
All posts tagged Jesus

I Shall Chase Away Your Gloominess and Shame

Published August 31, 2015 by wanglingling1688

My dear child:

You are continually unhappy over things that happened in the past to you and your family. In your heart, there is sorrow and bitterness.

Jesus lead Child

My child! I’m the God who “place on those who mourn in Zion a diadem instead of ashes, To give them oil of gladness instead of mourning, a glorious mantle instead of a faint spirit.” Please turn to Me, don’t grab on to the past. Let go and forgive those who trespass against you.

Start laughing! Shouting!Jumping! The oil of joy will be pour down, shining shall replace dust. I shall chase away your gloominess and shame, victorious crown and extraordinary blessing are on the way and sprinting toward you.

‧From Jesus who deeply loves you‧

I Shall Lead You Into New Season

Published August 31, 2015 by wanglingling1688

My dear child:

You are busy every day and giving, yet you don’t receive thanks and recognition from the people around you, your heart is sad!

jesus love children

My child! I’m the source of living water. I’m the Lord who provides you with all your needs. Turnto me, don’t look at your situation and surrounding events and things, focus your heart and eyes and hopes in Me, let go and forgive those who trespass against you. I shall lead you into new season.

When you read the bible, pray,and sing everyday to be close to Me, your life will have living water gushing out, you shall become even more satisfy. I shall open doors for you which noone can close.

‧From Jesus who deeply loves you‧

You’ll Walk in Path of Victory

Published August 29, 2015 by wanglingling1688

My dear child:

“Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show his works by a good life in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. Wisdom of this kind does not come down from above but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice.”

jesus love children

My child! Rise and repent, pray, join in reconciliation, and every day immerse in My love, remove the root of bitterness, remove jealousy, competition, and selfish ambition; resist the evil’s way, and you’ll walk in path of victory.

‧From the Jesus who deeply loves you‧

You Are Abba Father’s Glorious Child

Published August 29, 2015 by wanglingling1688

My dear child:

I recogrnize your heart in putting full effort to worship me, but you frequently tell yourself, “Today is gone, yet I didn’t accomplish anything?!”

jesus love child

My child! I like you, not because of your doing, but because of your being. You are my child, you are created according to our image, you are Abba Father’s glorious child.

My child! Don’t belive in those lies (I’m not good enough! I’m not doing enough! I’m not performing well enough! Father might not be satisfied with me!) continue to decieve you, you shall abandon and clear all those lies and errors! Don’t refuse yourself. I love you, I like you, I’ll be with you.

‧From the Jesus who deeply loves you‧

Put Down Your Burden

Published August 29, 2015 by wanglingling1688

My dear child:

You are trying hard to keep running forward, but there’s always something that drags your footsteps. You shouted, “Why are there so many voices and requests? Why do I have such a heavy burden?”

jesus love child

My child! “Come to me,all you who labor and are burdened,* and I will give you rest.” Put down your burden, put down your struggles and unfairness, give them all to Me,let Me carry and withstand.

I shall make you break free from the cocoon, and use grace as your crown of old age, in your road of life bless you, so your feet are as fast as the doe’s feet, smoothly moving forward at a high place.

‧From Jesus who deeply loves you‧

I’m the Source of Everything and All Blessings

Published August 28, 2015 by wanglingling1688

My dear child:

Whenever you think about past lost and experiences, your heart can not stay calm, regret, anger and sadness appears.

jesus love child

My child! “I’m the source of everything and all blessings.” Please turn to me, truly forgive them, hand them over to me. Forgive yourself, no longer accuse yourself. I’m the God who“transforms curse into blessing.”

Invite Me into your heart, let Me lead you;whatever you have lost, I shall compensate you. Don’t use human’s or your own method, let Me open the door of grace for you, come experience My goodness and extraordinary blessing.

‧From Jesus who deeply loves you‧

I’m with you

Published August 27, 2015 by wanglingling1688

My dear child:

I’m always protecting you, I’m like an engle carrying you on my back, don’t be scared and afraid, you are safe.

jesus help chid

In facing other people, you feel the pressure is really great, come pray to Me, lean on Me, I’ll help you breakthrough the pressure and fear of facing people, I’m with you.

In the future, I’ll raise you to the leader, to care and nurture those younger people. Don’t feel as if you can’t, you can; at that time, you shall bravely accept this invitation. For this, you shall learn training to equip yourself, prepare yourself. You shall discover that serving Me is great joy and glory.

‧From the Jesus who deeply loves you‧

I Select you to Become My Vessel

Published August 27, 2015 by wanglingling1688

My dear child:

I select you to become My vessel, as the watcher of My sheep and servants to block brokenness. You shall wear the complete uniform, train yourself on the Holy truth, frequently pray within the Holy Spirit’s mighty power, protect yourself by remaining in My love, obey your authority.

jesus and chid

Intercessory prayer of crying for My city and citizens, intercessory prayer of fighting for My church and servants, intercessory prayer of encouragement and warning for My sons and daughters.

“The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.” When you loyally intercessory pray according to your duty, and love your authority and My sheep, I shall greatly bless you.

‧From the Jesus who deeply loves you‧

I’m Happy that You Crave a Heart of New Wineskin

Published August 27, 2015 by wanglingling1688

My dear child:

I’m happy that you crave a heart of new wineskin. I shall help you to block the break and leak. My servant Job said, “If my steps have turned out of the way, and my heart has followed my eyes, or any stain clings to my hands, how can my eyes still gaze upon a virgin?”

jesus with chid

My child! Don’t follow what your eyes have seen, to avoid your heart becoming confused, scared, and weak.

Your heart and eyes shall make a covenant with Me, use the Lamb’s blood to cleanse and protect you; every day come receive the Holy Spirit, soak in My love and words, you shall become the true new wineskin, carrying new wine and new oil.

‧From the Jesus who deeply loves you‧

I Affirm Your Hard working and Dedication

Published August 25, 2015 by wanglingling1688

My dear child:

I affirm your hard working and dedication, perseverance and dedication, and responsibility. I will raise you to enter new season, use new method. “Where one alone may be overcome, two together can resist.

jesus love children

A three-ply cord is not easily broken.” To expand our vision and heart, rise to establish the team; a unified team will surpass single person’s power and wisdom, surpass single person’ authority and anointment.

Come lean on Me, pray to Me, I will give you members, you shall experience the blessing of ”Five of you will put a hundred of your foes to flight, and a hundred of you will put to flight ten thousand”

‧ From the Jesus who deeply loves you ‧